-These are an example of some the features of our project, all of it are able to be enabled/disabled and to be changed.
-Custom Config file with every feature we made
-Autovotereward (1 x PC)
-Nevit's Advent Blessing
-PCBang points system
-PvP Reward options
-PvP Name Color Change
-PK Title Color Change
-Killing spree user messages
-Killing spree announcements
-Chat usage depending on PvP Count
-Hero transform on 25 killing spree
-Clan_leader/hero title colors
-Fake PC's
-Siege reward
-Currency change option for private stores
-Captcha Antibot
-Special PvP zone
-Services in community board
-Premium accounts system
-Premium buffer (buffs++)
-Instant teleports for Premium users
-Command .info to see Target Info, for Premium users
-Command .time to see which time is it around the world
-//recallall to summon all online players meeting the requirements
-Default AIO NPC (gk, gmshop, pvpshop, att. manager, server info, smbol maker, augment/deaugment)
-Default Scheme Buffer
-GoalManager Engine
-PvP ManaPotion restrict option
-/unstuck restrict option in PvP
-Event Ranking Engine (reward to topkiller, on TvT, TvTRound & Zaken) option
-Dv-Loa Retail Like
-All Pailaka's
-Freya Quests
-Freya Instance [Easy Mode] - [Hard Mode]
-HollyCow event
-NewEra event
-SavingSanta event
-SchoolDays event
-Squash event
-db table to control MasterofEchanting, Valentine, HollyCrow, Squash, NewEra, SchoolDays
-Full 7 Signs Quests:
Added AI for DV mobs
Added AI for FoG mobs
Added AI for Hellbound traps
Added AI for LoA mobs
Added AI for Loa Leaders running mobs
Added AI for Reed Fields
Added AI for Sailren
Added AI for SelMahum Soup
Added AI for SelMahum Trains
Added AI for Stubborn mobs
Added AI for The Spirit Of Pigs
Added AI for UD When Attacked
Added Retail Teleports
Added Q00026_TiredOfWaiting
Fixed Skill Heroic Berserker, invul to debuffs (including Raid Curse)
Fixed RB's now if a player is RBLevel+9 or more but has Heroic Berserker, makes damage to the raid and the inverse
Added AI for Ancient Herb Slayer
Added AI for Overlord mobs
Added AI for Prison guards
Added AI for Random Spawn of Mutated Elpy
Added AI for Reed Fields
Added AI for Anais
Added AI for Outpost Captain
Added AI for Reed Herb Sower
Added Q458_PerfectForm.java
Added Q512_BladeUnderFoot.java
Added Q641_AttackSailren.java
Added Q694_BreakThroughTheHallOfSuffering.java
Added Q727_HopeWithinTheDarkness.java
Added Q902_ReclaimOurEra.java
Added Q906_TheCallOfValakas.java
Added Q10270_BirthOfTheSeed.java
Added AI for LoA Maluk Hunter's walking mobs
Added Q10504_JewelofAntharas.java
Added Q10505_JewelOfValakas.java
Added Q904_DragonTrophyAntharas.java
Added Q907_DragonTrophyValakas.java
Added Retail Spawnlists Dv & LoA + raids
Added Retail npc Solina Walkers
Added custom/DailyEventStarter (rabbits, race, elpys)
Added Retail Htmls
Added Retail multisells
Added SoA Controller (vehicle)
Added Bot Report Button option
Added option to Enable/Disable HB quest requirement, to enter
Added option to Enable/Disable server whisp telling you your olympiad enemie's class on 1vs1
Added Server Announcements Language Modify File on server source
Fixed skill Servitor Share
Added option to set that Cancellation skills returns back stolen buffs and the time to do it
Olympiad Watcher Mode HighFive Style
Olympiad Match Review HighFive Style.
Nevit's System Fully working.
Main Events
-Team Vs Team Event
-Capture the Flag Event
-Raid Event
-Town War Event
-DeathMatch Event
-Team Vs Team Round Event
-Zaken's Event
-Biohazard Event
Minor Events
-PKHunting Event
-PKLower Event
-Russian Fight Event
Other Options
-Ranking Event Engine
-Anti AFK Event Controller.
-Event Scheduler
-PcIP Event Controller Engine
-Vote Event Engine.
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