Разработчик: l2jServer
Размер: 24 MB
Хроники: HF5
Платформа: Java
Ревизия: 8724
Залито на: turbobit
год: 2012
BETA: Skill Trees fixes:
- Fixed race check in auto-get skills.
- Transformations fix, thanks avatar7.
- Fixed Dwarven skill counter.
ECJ Lib Update for JavaEngine
BETA: Weekend bug fix madness:
- Addressing the NPE problem at RegionBBSManager, bit experimental, feedback required.
- SkillList? server packet cleanup.
- ManagedScript? typo in JavaDoc?.
- More JavaDoc? fixes at L2Character.
- SystemMessageId? adding missing messages and fixing typos.
- Quest writing extensive documentation, fixing typos in comments.
- Based in Fulminus original documentation, updated as JavaDocs? and completed.
- Typos related to comments fixed.
- More JavaDocs? will be added soon...
- QuestState? minor cleanup.
- Participant using getters and setters, preventing NPEs. Fixes Olympiad problem
- Related changes to related classes.
- OlympiadGameNormal? cleanup.
- Minor change in L2PcInstance to send skill list with display Id instead of plain skill Id. Fixes Custom skill problem
- Adding a new map in L2Character to hold information about custom skills in characters. Fixes Custom skill problem
- Created on character creation.
- Updated when character has a skill removed/added.
- Does not have persistence.
- Small, fast-lookup.
- Support in RequestMagicSkillUse? to find a custom skill in the custom skills map if it wasn't found in the character's - skills. Fixes Custom skill problem
- Cleanup for TaskDailySkillReuseClean?.
- Adding Wondrous Cubic - 1 time use(22180) skill to daily cleanups.
- Fixed SkillCoolTime? typo from [5180], thanks blacksea for report. Fixes Reuse bug
BETA: Only etcitem_type "rune" can give passive skills when held in your inventory, not all etcitems.
BETA: Typo fix in inventory by d!g0:
- Fixes problem with equip reuse delay (Talismans)
- Fixes ticket #6085
BETA: fix typo in sql, thx DareStrike
BETA: Cleanup for [L5209,5210].
BETA: Datapack part for [L5214]:
- Cleanup of random related methods and imports.
- Fix for FairyTrees? AI with wrong parameter type wouldn't override onKill(..) method.
BETA: More AI fixes:
- Added missing authors to AIs, based on forums, changelogs and DevSVN.
- Fixed bug in EnergySeeds? after [8602] ...
- Added package-info, for better JavaDoc? generation.
- Quest's package-info will be added soon, after finishing update for Java scripts and missing documentation.
BETA: Typo fix in Olympiad Undefeated(553) by _Blade_
BETA: Cleanup for [L5180].
BETA: Jython part for [8709]
BETA: Typo fix thanks jurchiks
BETA: Cleanup and format of some java scripts.
BETA: A Trap for Revenge (702) quest cleanup and format.
BETA: Typo fix thanks tukune
BETA: Proper tags for task lists in skills (no more related comments), now you will see FIXME or TODO messages in Eclipse Task List (if you have xml tools installed
BETA: remove extra tag for not have problem in future
BETA: Quest fixes by _Blade_:
- Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1(376)
- Bypass fixes after quest name change.
- Typo fix onTalk(..) method.
- Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2
- Bypass fixes after quest name change.
BETA: Jython part for [8709]:
- Fixes issues in [8713], [8714], [8717].
- Fixes ticket #5242
From Quest documentation
* If the Quest class had a function named "foo" and it expected an integer parameter, you could call this function from anywhere within the "class Quest" segment of your script, using the code self.foo(5)
BETA: AdminSiege? fix:
- Fixed minor typo from [8669]
- Fixes ticket #5248
BETA: Fix for Mutated Elpy respawn, thanks baluu for report and Battlecruiser for fix.